Friday, February 12, 2010
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Have you heard of it? It is an area about 1,700 miles long about 1,000 miles off the coast of California, and about 1,000 miles N of Hawaii. How long is that? Get in your car in Boston and start driving South and West. When you've driven 1,700 miles you are in Dallas, TX. Holy shit!
Here is the wikipedia link which gives a decent description of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It has been speculated about since the late 80s, but satellite photos are not able to get it because it is not one big mass of milk cartons, but instead millions of tiny particles and small pieces--and they are in the water, not on it. Here is a quote from Miriam Goldstein, a captain of a research voyage to it:
"There’s no island, there’s no eighth continent, it doesn’t look like a garbage dump. It looks like beautiful ocean. But then when you put the nets in the water, you see all the little pieces."
It was 'discovered' in 1997 by a guy named Charles Moore in a Pacific Ocean boat race--he was so amazed he has been raising awareness ever since. In 2009 a project was undertaken by a joint US/Japanese venture trying to clean it up Project Kaisei. And this next link is for their actual site which has a handful of interesting videos about what they call the Plastic Vortex.
We're trash producers that is for sure--hell, I'm staring at a styrofoam Dunkin Donuts cup right now. I try and recycle as much as possible and tread a little lighter every year. Hopefully we'll figure out a way to clean it up--f'ing up thousands of square miles of oceans can't be a good thing.
About Me

- Greg
- I once cooked a hamburger for Joan Rivers. Actually, I thought it was for her, but she ended up feeding it to this little toy dog she carried around with her. I suppose I have to leave it up to you to decide whether that is noteworthy. I also almost drowned as a kid--for some reason I remember less about that story.
Working Stiffs Participate!
Great interview question-
You have eight balls, all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the exact same, but 1 is heavier. How can you find the heavier ball using a balance and only 2 weighings?
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50 Great Movies
(movies listed in italics are available for instant streaming on Netflix if you subscribe to that)
Comedies (15)
(2006, Sacha Baron Cohen, Ken Davitian)
(Sacha Baron Cohen)
(2006, Adam McKay)
(Will Ferrell)
(Will Ferrell)
(1998, Wes Anderson)
(Jason Schwartzman)
There’s Something About Mary
(1998, Farrelly bros)
(Ben Stiller)
Austin Powers
(1997) (Mike Myers)
Happy Gilmore
(1996) (Adam Sandler)
Tommy Boy
(1995) (Chris Farley)
Bottle Rocket
(1994, Wes Anderson)
(Owen+Luke Wilson)
(1994, Jonathan Lynn)
(Michael J Fox)
The Naked Gun
(1988, David Zucker)
(Leslie Neilsen)
(1987, Joel Coen)
(Nicolas Cage)
Three Amigos!
(1981, Ivan Reitman)
(Bill Murray)
Non-comedic (35)
Slumdog Millionaire
(2008, Danny Boyle)
(Dev Patel)
No Country for Old Men
(2007, Coen bros)
(Javier Bardem)
The Departed
(2006, Martin Scorsese)
(Leonardo DiCaprio)
Walk The Line
(2005) (Joaquin Phoenix)
(2005, Paul Haggis)
(Sandra Bullock)
(2003, Clint Eastwood)
(Sean Penn)
(2000, Steven Soderbergh)
(Benicio Del Toro)
(2000, M. Night Shyamalan)
(Bruce Willis)
The Matrix
(1999, Wachowski bros)
(Keanu Reeves)
Man on the Moon
(1999) (Jim Carrey)
Saving Private Ryan
(1998, Steven Spielberg)
(Tom Hanks)
Boogie Nights
(1997, Paul Thomas Anderson)
(Marky Mark)
Good Will Hunting
(1997, Gus Van Sant)
(Matt Damon)
(1995, Mel Gibson)
(Mel Gibson)
Schindler's List
(1993, Steven Spielberg)
(Liam Neeson)
(1992, Clint Eastwood)
(Clint Eastwood)
Glengarry Glen Ross
(1992, James Foley)
(Al Pacino)
(1991, Oliver Stone)
(Kevin Costner)
The Silence of the Lambs
(1991, Jonathan Demme)
(Anthony Hopkins)
(1990, Martin Scorsese)
(Robert DeNiro)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
(1982) (William Shatner)
Raiders of the Lost
(1981, Steven Spielberg)
(Harrison Ford)
Superman II
(1980) (Christopher Reeve)
Apocalypse Now
(1979, Francis Ford Coppola)
(Martin Sheen)
The Godfather
(1972, Francis Ford Coppola)
(Marlon Brando)
There is an Atlantic Garbage Patch too now by the way...